Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Google LaMDA And AI Consciousness

The recent controversy surrounding Google AI researcher Blake Lemoine and his claims about LaMDA, a large language model, has ignited discussions about AI sentience. However, delving into these debates can divert attention from tangible AI challenges that need urgent consideration. Let ThinkByter explain the rest!

The LaMDA Incident and the Sentient AI Trap


Lemoine’s assertion of LaMDA‘s sentience has sparked attention, reflecting broader discussions in the tech community about the potential consciousness of AI. However, focusing on AI sentience distracts from pressing issues such as AI colonialism, false arrests, and economic inequalities perpetuated by the tech industry.

Former Google Ethical AI team co-lead Timnit Gebru emphasizes that the hype cycle around AI, perpetuated by media, researchers, and venture capitalists, contributes to such scenarios. The emphasis on sentient robots veers discussions away from real-world harms caused by AI technologies, including biases, privacy concerns, and the generation of toxic content.

Ethical Considerations and Human Welfare

Gebru argues for a shift in focus towards human welfare rather than speculative discussions about robot rights. She emphasizes the importance of addressing the ethical and social justice questions posed by AI systems. While discussions about sentient AI may capture public attention, they often obscure the ethical and societal implications of AI technologies.

Giada Pistilli, an ethicist at Hugging Face, points out that the sensationalism around sentient AI is based on misleading narratives designed to sell products and capitalize on hype. This focus on subjective impressions rather than scientific rigor can hinder progress in addressing ethical concerns surrounding AI.

The Robot Empathy Crisis

Author and futurist David Brin describes the LaMDA incident as part of a “robot empathy crisis.” As AI advances, there is a growing confusion between reality and science fiction. Brin predicts an increase in scams exploiting the fascination with sentient AI, potentially leading people to believe in the rights and protection of emulated AI personalities.

Yejin Choi, a computer scientist at the University of Washington, warns against anthropomorphizing AI models. She highlights instances where language models, despite appearing empathetic, can produce misleading or nonsensical outputs, demonstrating a lack of common-sense understanding.

The Importance of Social Intelligence in AI

Research, such as the MOSAIC project, emphasizes the significance of social intelligence in AI models. The ability to answer questions requiring social understanding, known as Social-IQa, is a common-sense task where language models often fall short compared to human performance. Human-like empathy in AI systems remains a challenging area of research.

Tangible AI Concerns

The unfolding events at Google underscore a critical question about whether digital beings can experience feelings. While there is ongoing research on creating empathetic robots, asserting sentience in AI models raises fundamental philosophical questions. Choi observes that people imbuing AI with human traits may intensify the search for consciousness in machines, distracting from present-day challenges.


As debates on AI sentience capture attention, it is crucial to refocus on the tangible challenges AI poses today. Ethical considerations, societal impacts, and the responsible development of AI technologies should remain at the forefront of discussions. The quest for sentient AI should not overshadow the urgency of addressing biases, privacy concerns, and the ethical use of AI in our daily lives. It is time to move beyond the hype and embrace a more grounded and ethical approach to AI development.


Is Google’s LaMDA available?

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications) was a research project by Google, and its availability for public use was limited. Google often conducts research and develops models that may or may not be released to the public. To get the latest information on LaMDA’s availability, it is recommended to check Google’s official announcements or documentation for updates.

What does LaMDA stand for?

LaMDA stands for “Language Model for Dialogue Applications.” It is a large language model developed by Google designed to engage in more natural and open-ended conversations with users. LaMDA aims to improve the dialogue capabilities of AI models, making them more adept at understanding context and generating contextually relevant responses.

What is the use of LaMDA?

The primary use of LaMDA is to enhance the conversational abilities of AI models. It is designed to engage in more natural and dynamic dialogues, allowing users to have interactive and contextually rich conversations with AI applications. The goal is to make interactions with AI systems feel more fluid and human-like, enabling a wide range of applications such as virtual assistants, customer service bots, and more.

How do I use Google LaMDA chat?

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, Google might provide access to LaMDA through specific platforms or APIs once it becomes publicly available. To use Google LaMDA for chat applications, you would typically need to integrate it into your software or services using the provided API (Application Programming Interface). Detailed instructions and documentation on how to implement and use LaMDA for chat would be provided by Google when the model is made accessible to developers and the public. For the latest and most accurate information, it is recommended to check Google’s official channels and documentation.

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